Jenny Urban

Not Active in the last 12 months
Quest Theatre Ensemble
Drumming since birth, Urban has conquered the scene through various genres, from folk to punk. Drum set to hand drum, she has played with dozens of bands and traveling musicians. A true believer that everyone has a heartbeat, therefore everyone has rhythm.
As a drum circle facilitator, Urban helps drummers build confidence, relieve stress and build community through rhythm. Her drum workshops help benefit all skill levels, from the timid drummer to the leader of the circle. Her unique teaching style pays tribute to traditional West African rudiments but teaches in a way that allows drummers to improv to any style of music.
Aimee Bass has been a percussion teacher and performer for over 12 years bringing rhythms from around the world to people of all ages. In 2001 she received her Drum Circle Facilitator training from Arthur Hull and created a drum program for high schools called Cultural Drum. She performs with several Chicago area ensembles and has added percussion to theatrical shows. A company member of Quest Theatre, she performed in "Drum Circle Pandora" as Sister Drum, teaching the audience at every show how to play percussion along with a live band during the play, creating a truly original, participatory theatre experience.
Drumming since birth, Urban has conquered the scene through various genres, from folk to punk. Drum set to hand drum, she has played with dozens of bands and traveling musicians. A true believer that everyone has a heartbeat, therefore everyone has rhythm.
As a drum circle facilitator, Urban helps drummers build confidence, relieve stress and build community through rhythm. Her drum workshops help benefit all skill levels, from the timid drummer to the leader of the circle. Her unique teaching style pays tribute to traditional West African rudiments but teaches in a way that allows drummers to improv to any style of music.
Aimee Bass has been a percussion teacher and performer for over 12 years bringing rhythms from around the world to people of all ages. In 2001 she received her Drum Circle Facilitator training from Arthur Hull and created a drum program for high schools called Cultural Drum. She performs with several Chicago area ensembles and has added percussion to theatrical shows. A company member of Quest Theatre, she performed in "Drum Circle Pandora" as Sister Drum, teaching the audience at every show how to play percussion along with a live band during the play, creating a truly original, participatory theatre experience.