
11 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Medium square screen shot 2012 12 19 at 4.03.04 pm


11 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Big square screen shot 2012 12 19 at 4.03.04 pm

Not Active in the last 12 months

Rampelle Aguilar

Hi Everyone, my name is Rampelle Aguilar. I have worked in the restaurant and retail industries for over 10 years. I am a Certified Entrepreneur from College of DuPage and received my Bachelor's degree in Management and Entrepreneurship from DePaul Univer


Hi Everyone, my name is Rampelle Aguilar. I have worked in the restaurant and retail industries for over 10 years. I am a Certified Entrepreneur from College of DuPage and received my Bachelor's degree in Management and Entrepreneurship from DePaul Univer