
2 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Medium square sekinger


2 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Big square sekinger

Not Active in the last 12 months


Sasha Sekinger is a people enthusiast who believes in unleashing
the superpower of emotional intelligence! She is currently the
Director of Client Engagement at the Wright Foundation for the
Realization of Human Potential.
When she’s not at Montrose beach with her puppy or working
towards her Master’s in Leadership, she enjoys abstract art and
home cooking with her boyfriend.


Sasha Sekinger is a people enthusiast who believes in unleashing
the superpower of emotional intelligence! She is currently the
Director of Client Engagement at the Wright Foundation for the
Realization of Human Potential.
When she’s not at Montrose beach with her puppy or working
towards her Master’s in Leadership, she enjoys abstract art and
home cooking with her boyfriend.


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