
8 have dabbled

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Medium square scott taylor


8 have dabbled

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Big square scott taylor

Not Active in the last 12 months

Scott Taylor

Scott Taylor has been tinkering with bikes for about 13 years, and almost 9 years ago he turned his hobby into his job by opening up his own bicycle shop: Salvagetti. There's no greater joy for Scott than turning ordinary commuter-people into bike lovers and gear heads. He believes that the demystification of moving parts is one of the best ways to like almost anything, and he's eager to share that enthusiasm


Scott Taylor has been tinkering with bikes for about 13 years, and almost 9 years ago he turned his hobby into his job by opening up his own bicycle shop: Salvagetti. There's no greater joy for Scott than turning ordinary commuter-people into bike lovers and gear heads. He believes that the demystification of moving parts is one of the best ways to like almost anything, and he's eager to share that enthusiasm