St. Louis Osuwa Taiko
Not Active in the last 12 months
Not Active in the last 12 months
Not Active in the last 12 months
Not Active in the last 12 months
St. Louis Osuwa Taiko studies, develops, promotes, performs and teaches taiko, the art of Japanese ensemble drumming. In doing so, the group helps preserve and contribute to the art while bringing enjoyment to the community and fostering an understanding between Japanese and American cultures.
We teach classes year round. Teachers include Andrew Thalheimer, who has over 15 years of taiko teaching experience, and a host of other well-qualified performing team members. We focus on getting the most power out of the instrument with the least effort, most aesthetic movements, and least chance of injury. We also focus on fun, teaching a new piece every semester.
The St. Louis Osuwa Taiko group has been around for over 30 years, making it one of the oldest taiko teams in the country, right here in St. Louis! Our performance group plays about 35 shows per year, including at the Missouri Botanical Gardens' Japanese Festival. Come join us!
St. Louis Osuwa Taiko studies, develops, promotes, performs and teaches taiko, the art of Japanese ensemble drumming. In doing so, the group helps preserve and contribute to the art while bringing enjoyment to the community and fostering an understanding between Japanese and American cultures.
We teach classes year round. Teachers include Andrew Thalheimer, who has over 15 years of taiko teaching experience, and a host of other well-qualified performing team members. We focus on getting the most power out of the instrument with the least effort, most aesthetic movements, and least chance of injury. We also focus on fun, teaching a new piece every semester.
The St. Louis Osuwa Taiko group has been around for over 30 years, making it one of the oldest taiko teams in the country, right here in St. Louis! Our performance group plays about 35 shows per year, including at the Missouri Botanical Gardens' Japanese Festival. Come join us!