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Stacy Tornio

Stacy Tornio is the author of 15+ books, and she's written dozens of non-fiction proposals over the years. She has a degree in journalism, and loves the art of creating good non-fiction. She believes that many people out there have stories they could and should share with others, and she's excited at the opportunity to help. Stacy works for one of the top educational websites in the country by day, and she writes books at night. She also runs the website, focused on getting kids and families outside.


Stacy Tornio is the author of 15+ books, and she's written dozens of non-fiction proposals over the years. She has a degree in journalism, and loves the art of creating good non-fiction. She believes that many people out there have stories they could and should share with others, and she's excited at the opportunity to help. Stacy works for one of the top educational websites in the country by day, and she writes books at night. She also runs the website, focused on getting kids and families outside.