
4 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Medium square fanny


4 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Big square fanny

Not Active in the last 12 months

Stephanie Smith

Stephanie has been performing and dancing since the age of 5, when she began improvising choreography wherever possible.
After being introduced to burlesque in 2005, she spent the next decade traveling the country performing as her burlesque persona, Fanny Tastic. Notable performances include The New York Burlesque Festival, Teaseorama, and the Burlesque Hall of Fame pageant. Now she enjoys teaching burlesque and yoga throughout Chicago.


Stephanie has been performing and dancing since the age of 5, when she began improvising choreography wherever possible.
After being introduced to burlesque in 2005, she spent the next decade traveling the country performing as her burlesque persona, Fanny Tastic. Notable performances include The New York Burlesque Festival, Teaseorama, and the Burlesque Hall of Fame pageant. Now she enjoys teaching burlesque and yoga throughout Chicago.