
Medium square 1380149 10151874948480042 745217838 n  2


Big square 1380149 10151874948480042 745217838 n  2

Not Active in the last 12 months


Tamar is currently a life coach. She is dedicated to enriching the lives of others through quirky yet proven avenues. Tamar started H.U.G.S Now (Helping U Get Started) to guide individuals to personal growth and development.She is witty, laid back and has the ability to bring out the best in people.


Tamar is currently a life coach. She is dedicated to enriching the lives of others through quirky yet proven avenues. Tamar started H.U.G.S Now (Helping U Get Started) to guide individuals to personal growth and development.She is witty, laid back and has the ability to bring out the best in people.