Denver Theatre

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Medium square screen shot 2017 11 07 at 11.20.45 am

Denver Theatre

2 have dabbled

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Big square screen shot 2017 11 07 at 11.20.45 am

Not Active in the last 12 months

Understudy Art Installation

Understudy is a first-of-its-kind arts and culture experimental space, located in the Colorado Convention Center (CCC) at 890 C 14th St. Operated, curated and funded by the DTD, Understudy is a 700-square-foot space for the community to explore and experience new artistic and cultural endeavors.

Understudy is a way to experiment both operationally and artistically, to determine the best way to provide artists, creative groups and the community with a free, central, immersive and innovative space for installation-based work.


Understudy is a first-of-its-kind arts and culture experimental space, located in the Colorado Convention Center (CCC) at 890 C 14th St. Operated, curated and funded by the DTD, Understudy is a 700-square-foot space for the community to explore and experience new artistic and cultural endeavors.

Understudy is a way to experiment both operationally and artistically, to determine the best way to provide artists, creative groups and the community with a free, central, immersive and innovative space for installation-based work.