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Valante Grant

Valante M. Grant is the founder of The byDesign Network. She has built a network that encompasses media, video and audio production, graphic design and training. Valante specializes in designing Wix websites for entrepreneurs, entertainers and artists. She is passionate about sharing information to help them enhance their online presence.

Valante is a career mentor for Proviso Math and Science Academy in Maywood, Illinois and Metropolitan Family Services on Chicago’s South side. She uses her creativity to design a life that fulfills her purpose and helps others reach their destiny. Valante resides in the Chicago metropolitan area. Her inspiration is her daughter, Vanyce.


Valante M. Grant is the founder of The byDesign Network. She has built a network that encompasses media, video and audio production, graphic design and training. Valante specializes in designing Wix websites for entrepreneurs, entertainers and artists. She is passionate about sharing information to help them enhance their online presence.

Valante is a career mentor for Proviso Math and Science Academy in Maywood, Illinois and Metropolitan Family Services on Chicago’s South side. She uses her creativity to design a life that fulfills her purpose and helps others reach their destiny. Valante resides in the Chicago metropolitan area. Her inspiration is her daughter, Vanyce.