Warrior Dash

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Warrior Dash

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Not Active in the last 12 months

Warrior Dash

Warrior Dash challenges entrants to navigate 12 extreme obstacles along a rustic 5-kilometre course. Though they certainly challenge participants' strength and agility, the obstacles primarily test boldness. Runners climb sheer walls and slither across muddy fields crisscrossed with barbed wire. The obstacles remain shrouded in mystery, with only ominous hints up until the day of the race. Participants should prepare to swim, brave heights, climb, and get very, very muddy. On-hand lifeguards and staffers work to keep racers safe, and enthused crews pass out Warrior helmets, T-shirts, and medals to finishers, who then must navigate a raucous party complete with live music, turkey legs, and beer for racers of age.


Warrior Dash challenges entrants to navigate 12 extreme obstacles along a rustic 5-kilometre course. Though they certainly challenge participants' strength and agility, the obstacles primarily test boldness. Runners climb sheer walls and slither across muddy fields crisscrossed with barbed wire. The obstacles remain shrouded in mystery, with only ominous hints up until the day of the race. Participants should prepare to swim, brave heights, climb, and get very, very muddy. On-hand lifeguards and staffers work to keep racers safe, and enthused crews pass out Warrior helmets, T-shirts, and medals to finishers, who then must navigate a raucous party complete with live music, turkey legs, and beer for racers of age.