
Not Active in the last 12 months
Yo Ave
Lived and created in Israel, AZ, UK, EU, Australia and now here in Austin, TX. Artist since K, guitarist since 1988, professional sport-skydiver, worldwide 1994 to 2006; Olympic Committee recognition with 6th World Placement for Freestyle Sport-Skydiving Camera Flight, and retired BASE Jumper (unharmed). Excited to work with people on creating artistic simulation of their own ideas and concepts.
Lived and created in Israel, AZ, UK, EU, Australia and now here in Austin, TX. Artist since K, guitarist since 1988, professional sport-skydiver, worldwide 1994 to 2006; Olympic Committee recognition with 6th World Placement for Freestyle Sport-Skydiving Camera Flight, and retired BASE Jumper (unharmed). Excited to work with people on creating artistic simulation of their own ideas and concepts.