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Zivit Baht Yisrael

As a child, I was active in the community because my parents were pastors of a local church, as I grew older, I began to see economic disadvantages in my community, although I did not feel them in my home. I often wondered why ethnic people lacked economics, family bonds, optimum health, and why all my ethnic friends couldn't get along. I HAVE SPENT 16 years researching answers and solutions. I am also writing a series of books to empower us for COMMUNITY.


As a child, I was active in the community because my parents were pastors of a local church, as I grew older, I began to see economic disadvantages in my community, although I did not feel them in my home. I often wondered why ethnic people lacked economics, family bonds, optimum health, and why all my ethnic friends couldn't get along. I HAVE SPENT 16 years researching answers and solutions. I am also writing a series of books to empower us for COMMUNITY.