Curiosity Club Strike Camp

Event Category

Arts & DIY

Event Overview

The Curiosity Club, now in its 6th year, is a full day camp where kids explore art and science. We delve into topics physically, imaginatively and intellectually.

The Strike Camp is open to all school age kids.

In the morning we will play an active game then learn a little bit about breathing and meditation. After that, we will engage in some hands-on science exploration. (Exactly what the activity will be will depend on the ages and number of kids attending.) Next will be lunch followed by Sharing Time - when kids suggest games or activities to do as a group - most likely this will involve going to play at the park across the street. In the afternoon we will do an art project then finish the day with a conversation and relaxation.

Kids should wear clothes they can easily move and play in without worry of getting messy. They should also bring a lunch. There is a fridge on site.

The class is taught by Anita Evans - cofounder of NeuroKitchen Arts Collective and Curiosity Club creator and director. Her assistant will be an alum from the summer camps who assisted in camp last summer.

More info and a registration form at:

Please feel free to contact me if you request more spots than are available!

What to Bring

Kids should bring their lunch and wear clothes they can easily move and play in without worrying about getting messy.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

What's Provided

We'll provide everything else!

Cancellation Policy

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Curiosity Club creator and teacher, Anita Evans has been working with kids since she babysat for two-year old identical twins at the age of 12. Since then she lots of experience working with many kids, including kids with diagnosed behavioral and learning difficulties. In addition to working with elementary school kids, she has experience creating performances with teens since 1995, teaching preschool, and recently became a Certified Yoga Teacher. She is certified in CPR/First Aid and in Mental Health First Aid. Anita is a co-founder and co-director of NeuroKitchen Arts Collective.

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