Argentine Tango: Weekly Beginners Class and Practice

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Event Category

Arts & DIY

Event Overview

1.25 hours of class and 2.25 hours of practice for $15.

Group Classes are an important addendum to your private instruction. We give you the opportunity to dance with a variety of partners, develop good dance habits, and meet other students. In Group Classes we emphasize technique, style, concepts and elements. You may be taught material that hasn't been introduced to you yet. Additionally, material that has been introduced will be reviewed and practiced for improvement.

Beginner's class details - You will learn walking, rocksteps, the cross, ochos, basic turns, musicality and intro to close embrace tango. No experience or partner necessary! Learning the basics that are the foundation for Argentine Tango will allow you to dance socially by the end of the series. Something new for you to learn and/or to check off your bucket list.

What to Bring

Comfortable shoes with suede or leather bottoms

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy

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Jen Teters:

As an artist, musician, and Latin dance instructor for many years, Jenny found her true calling in dancing and sharing her understanding of tango. With athleticism and grace, she flows effortlessly through complex movements, always with a strong connection to the music and her partner. Her athletic background and focus on tango’s core movements combine delightfully to create a visually poetic expression of the music and her partner’s lead. Her years as a salsa dancer also contribute a distinctive flavor that is both engaging and entertaining.

Jenny has worked with many of the traditional masters of tango in an effort to refine and develop her tango style. She then in turn works with many students and dedicates herself to helping them develop their own styles and become strong tango followers in their own rights. Her quiet encouragement and easy instruction have helped develop a new generation of talented tangueras in the Chicago area.

Rod Relucio:

Rod has been dancing all his life, although his background has been mostly in hip hop and street dancing, he has fully committed himself to Argentine Tango. One can still see the lasting influence of his street dancing in his innovative and original tango style. It is also easy to see the coexistence of traditional tango movements and philosophy working in symmetry with a newer nontraditional influence, the end result of which is an eye-catching and entertaining performance. Rod has spent some time studying with the masters in Buenos Aires and spends much of his time teaching in his native Chicago. His group classes are taught with an eye on encouraging and nurturing individual artistic styles while at the same time stressing the core movements and strong values of traditional tango. His infectious energy and love of the dance have created a large following of students in Chicago and the surrounding area.

Together – They believe that the connection, musicality, and technique are the keys to fully appreciate the beauty of Tango. In their classes they want to concentrate on how to be comfortable inside the embrace, based on the logic and naturalness of the movement.