Real Estate Investing: Basics of Real Estate Investing

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Business & Technology

Event Overview

You could use more money, right?

85% of the wealth in this country is created by using REAL ESTATE. Without credit, cash or a rich uncle you can change your future. It's all about leverage. Now It's YOUR turn!

Take time to learn some of the keys to success and watch your R.E. business take off.

The first step in Real Estate Investing class is: Education. It will eliminate many of your trials & errors.

This workshop will uncover multiple important R.E. topics in business. This class was created to give you an edge. All you will need to do is be willing to take the steps necessary to succeed. We will talk about finding the right properties, getting them under contract, connecting with investors, growing your business, utilizing proven formulas that will help you understand the real estate industry. Let's develop your business, marketing, branding, and incorporating unique ways to build your inventory and income.

We will introduce details regarding the following topics:
Basics in Real Estate
Ways to Find Properties
Prospecting, referrals and building your Investor list
Getting the deal
Getting Paid

This is not to mention: flipping, rentals, wholesaling, tax liens/deed, commercial finding the right team and much, much more...

Understand that practice, patience, persistence and confidence is necessary for success! You will walk away eager and confident. Enroll with a partner. Tell someone else and let's get started.

Registration begins at 8:30

What to Bring

Notepad, pen, map of areas of interest and an internet friendly device.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

What's Provided

Essence Education notebook & handouts

Cancellation Policy

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Felisha and her partners are Investors and have been trained by the best in the business to invest in real estate. They have a 50-year legacy of working in the Real Estate Industry that has been handed down through the family. They have mastered the art of building teams and leveraging other peoples time and money. You will learn to develop a team that will help you build your business, find properties with potential and equity, to create contracts protecting yourself from loss of money, to find investors that are looking for those great deals and even more importantly to get paid, which ultimately is why we all do this.

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