1-Hour Speed Reading and Productivity Workshop!
Too much to read?
Try out a few proven reading and productivity techniques taught by one of our instructors!
Our brief 45-minute lesson will teach you some basic techniques to enable
you to read more efficiently, manage your work-load and get more done.
Iris Reading is the largest and most trusted provider of speed reading
training, and our courses have been taught to thousands of students and
professionals worldwide. Come join us, and start improving your reading
skills today!
Registrants will receive a 121 page- e-book: “Focus” A simplicity
Manifesto in The Age of Distraction” by Leo Babauta included with their registration!
All materials provided.
All ages welcome
Cancellation Policy
Paul Nowak is the founder of Iris Reading, the largest provider of speed-
reading courses in North America. His workshops have been taught to
thousands of students and business professionals in major cities across the
U.S. He has been a guest speaker at numerous institutions, some of which
include Harvard, Stanford and the University of Chicago. He has also
trained employees at NASA, Google, Groupon and a number of Fortune 500