The Power of Now

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Event Category

Fitness & Wellness

Event Overview

Are you feeling stuck in your life? Looking for purpose or meaning? Do you find yourself struggling with your relationships? With money? With health? Have you considered that the pain you feel is a signal from within you that its time to take charge and make changes?

To make changes, you first need to see what is amiss and then explore potential solutions. In this informative class we will learn:

How everything in this universe is energy and vibration
How thoughts influence things
How to deliberately create your life and not have your life created for you by default
How pain and illness are directly linked to emotional trauma and wounds
How to gain clarity and healing for your body
Be connected to like-minded people who want to become more aware of their authenticity and their connection to one another and Source Energy

This three-hour class is packed with life-changing information which includes a workbook and a book, "You can heal your body" A hands on question and answer period to personalize your experience!

You can release those limiting mindsets and those things that no longer serve you and embrace a more authentic you.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy

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Energy and Mind Body Connection Teacher/Empowerment Journey Life Coach
Founder and Executive Director of Chicago Centre For Life Management
Creator of Divine Authentic Beauty/Chakra and Aligning Body Products

Jacqueline was taught at an early age indigenous shamanistic practices by her grandmother and has become a master in energy and chakra alignment and leads shamanic journey's. She has 20 years experience in public service as well.

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