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Herbal Aphrodisiacs Part I - Herbal Infused Wine & Chocolate Night

12 Have Dabbled

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Event Category

Fitness & Wellness

Event Overview

What can aphrodisiacs do for you? Join us as we delight in herbal infused aphrodisiac wine & chocolate while unveiling the mystery behind the ancient and modern uses of aphrodisiacs, and make our own aphrodisiac wine kit. An optional Aphrodisiacs Part II will be the following will delve into how aphrodisiacs work & how to make a love elixir.

During the class, you will...

-Indulge in herbal infused aphrodisiac wine & chocolates
-Discover and taste several herbal aphrodisiacs
-Learn how to make your own herbal infused wines

Minimum age

All ages welcome

What's Provided

Herbal Infused Wine & Chocolates; Herbal Wine Infusion Kit; Handout

Cancellation Policy


Founder, Bridget Molloy, combines traditional botanical healing practices with modern scientific research to provide high quality workshops in botanical medicine, health consultations, and global health adventures & retreats.

She holds a Bachelor's in molecular biology & ecology, a Masters of Art in Teaching for Science Education, Graduate certificate in Global Ecology Education, and has completed postgraduate courses in medicinal chemistry, pharmacology and medicinal plants at Harvard & Georgetown University. She is currently an NSF Master Teacher Fellow at CU Boulder in Science Education and Directs/Teaches the science program at a local Denver high school. Bridget's extensive education also includes certificates in family, and advanced herbal studies, and teaching.

Her specific background has taken her traveling around the world & US to study different healing traditions and ecosystems. Additionally she is trained in evaluating scientific research studies and has worked at Harvard and MIT supporting world renowned scientific research laboratories. Through Bridget's Botanicals, you will have an unforgettable & impactful experience. Visit her at www.BridgetsBotanicalWorld.com

12 Have Dabbled

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