Natural and Silk Easter Egg Dyeing

Event Category

Arts & DIY

Event Overview

We will use natural materials, like onion skins, spices like Tumeric, and red cabbage to dye Easter Eggs. We will experiment with many processes, as well as silk fabric dyeing. Using silk, such as old neckties, can transfer the pattern on the silk directly to the surface of the Easter Egg. It is a magical process. Come make beautiful eggs for Easter and springtime.

What to Bring

You can bring silk fabric, which you don't mind parting with, as the silk will be ruined after the dyeing process. Bring things like old 100% pure silk neckties with interesting designs.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

What's Provided

We will provide the dyeing materials, silk, and eggs. Everything you will need will be provided.

Cancellation Policy

There are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this Dabble. Log in to an account message the host or add to your bucket list to be automatically notified when new dates are posted.


Project Creativity is a new series of craft and art-making classes offered by the Sheldon Art Galleries, designed to help you discover your creative abilities! This summer, we offer our first set of classes, teaching the art of flower origami and pinhole camera-making. A cash bar and light snacks will be available. Bring friends and make it an evening of fun, cocktails and creative crafting!

The not-for-profit Sheldon Art Galleries exhibits works by local, national and international artists in all media. Over 6,000 square feet of the galleries’ spaces on the 2nd floor are permanently devoted to rotating exhibits of photography, architecture, music art and history and children’s art. A sculpture garden, seen from both the atrium lobby and the connecting glass bridge, features periodic rotations and installations, and the Nancy Spirtas Kranzberg Gallery on the lower level features art of all media. The Sheldon actively supports the work of St. Louis artists in all mediums and features a dedicated gallery with museum-quality exhibits by St. Louis artists, past and present.