Freelance Writing: The Art of the Pitch
Business & Technology
Freelance writers know that writing a winning query letter is a crucial skill, but often the hardest part of writing. While new freelancers may struggle with query writing and pitching to publication editors, it's a skill that's easily refined with the right tools and practice.
This class will give writers a basic template for writing query letters and following up with editors, will offer an opportunity for writers to review and critique pitch letters. Writers will come away with the building blocks for their next winning pitch.
All ages welcome
Packet of successful pitch letters and emails
Cancellation Policy
Freelance writers know that writing a winning query letter is a crucial skill, but often the hardest part of writing. While new freelancers may struggle with query writing, they're actually not that complicated and a skills that's easily refined with practice.
This class will give writers a basic template for writing query letters and following up with editors, and writers will come away with the building blocks for their next winning pitch.