Drink to Your Health

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4.67 | 15 reviews

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Event Category

Food & Drink

Event Overview

It’s common knowledge that tea is good for your health, but what exactly does that mean? Please join us as our special guest lecturer Dr. Raymond Cooper helps us understnad the origins of different teas, how they are prepared and why green tea differs from black tea, although originating from the same plant. There is overwhelming evidence for the health benefits of green tea and sales of green tea and green tea products are increasingly significantly - particulary in the United States. The level of tea consumption varies around the world, and is believed to be the worlds second most popular beverage. Dr. Cooper will provide the latest insights into the ongoing research of the health benefits of tea. This class should give each student a better understanding of how and why tea can be of benefit to your health.  

A Q&A session will follow the class. Additionally there will be 10% off all loose leaf tea, teapots, and other merchandise after the class.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy

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Dr. Ray Cooper

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Dr Ray Cooper was born in the UK, received his Ph.D. in organic chemistry and after 15 years in the pharmaceutical industry, he moved to the dietary supplements industry. He developed new Chinese botanicals as supplements including Cholestin, Cordymax and Te-Green.

Currently Ray is professor and lecturer at the HK Polytechnic University Hong Kong and co-founder of PhytoScience LLC, a consulting company creating innovative botanical solutions and products.

He is the recipient of the 2014 American. Society Tyler Prize for his life time contributions to Botanical Research. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Chemical Society, UK.

Ray has recently published three books:
Natural Products Chemistry: Sources, Separations and Structures (2014),
Botanical Miracles, Plants that Changed the World, (2016) and
Chinese and Botanical Medicines (CRC Press, 2017).
He has edited a book Botanical Medicines from Bench to Bedside
Now Editor-in-Chief of a new book series on Global Medicinal Plants and
working on a new book Ancient Grains in Modern Soils.


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    Wendy S.
    Reviewed on 06/12/19

    Loved the Drink to Your Health. The instructor did not go into huge detail which was great because I am not a chemist. However he gave very good information followed up with pros and cons of the studies. Learned a lot of new information regarding green tea and health benefits. Really liked that he explained why tea can't be made into a cancer fighting drug. He did give information from different studies to support why it can be used to prevent/postpone some cancers.

    Loved the Drink to Your Health. The instructor did not go into huge detail which was great because I am not a chemist. However he gave very good information followed up with pros and cons of the studies. Learned a lot of new information regarding green tea and health benefits. Really liked that he explained why tea can't be made into a cancer fighting drug. He did give information from different studies to support why it can be used to prevent/postpone some cancers.

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    Julie B.
    Reviewed on 06/11/19

    The London TeaRoom classes always exceed my high expectations. The instructor was knowledgeable and engaging. The presentation content was fascinating.

    The London TeaRoom classes always exceed my high expectations. The instructor was knowledgeable and engaging. The presentation content was fascinating.

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    Roni S.
    Reviewed on 10/22/18

    Drink to Your Health was another phenomenal tea class taught at The London Tea Room. To be greeted with a hot cup Jasmine Cloud set the tone for the class. I knew right away good things were to happen. Jackie Jame's knowledge and guest teacher, Ray Cooper, teaching the scientific properties of tea, made for a terrific class. Great questions were asked and answered much was learned by all.

    Drink to Your Health was another phenomenal tea class taught at The London Tea Room. To be greeted with a hot cup Jasmine Cloud set the tone for the class. I knew right away good things were to happen. Jackie Jame's knowledge and guest teacher, Ray Cooper, teaching the scientific properties of tea, made for a terrific class. Great questions were asked and answered much was learned by all.

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    Kate M.
    Reviewed on 04/28/18

    A lovely and informative class! I learned so many interesting things, and loved sampling the delicious teas.

    A lovely and informative class! I learned so many interesting things, and loved sampling the delicious teas.

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    Nicole G.
    Reviewed on 10/12/17

    What a great class! I learned about the health benefits from drinking various teas. As a tea beginner, I enjoyed tasting six different flavors. I was surprised to like them all! In addition to being very knowledgeable about teas, Jackie James is a delight to listen to! I highly recommend this class & will be taking her other classes too.

    What a great class! I learned about the health benefits from drinking various teas. As a tea beginner, I enjoyed tasting six different flavors. I was surprised to like them all! In addition to being very knowledgeable about teas, Jackie James is a delight to listen to! I highly recommend this class & will be taking her other classes too.

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    Khrys V.
    Reviewed on 05/11/17

    Visiting London Tea Room is always a joy. Their classes, an added value. Much information was shared and we were able to taste the teas we learned about.

    Visiting London Tea Room is always a joy. Their classes, an added value. Much information was shared and we were able to taste the teas we learned about.

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    Casey G.
    Reviewed on 05/10/17

    Jackie is always so insightful and has so much knowledge and info to divulge to her classes. Learning how tea can affect health and the benefits it provides is something a lot of people don't know about, and she beautifully explained (as much as possible as she could in an hour and fifteen minutes) all of this to us.

    Jackie is always so insightful and has so much knowledge and info to divulge to her classes. Learning how tea can affect health and the benefits it provides is something a lot of people don't know about, and she beautifully explained (as much as possible as she could in an hour and fifteen minutes) all of this to us.

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    Katie O.
    Reviewed on 05/10/17

    Have always loved The London Tea Room- no surprise that my first time attending a class there was awesome! Would recommend going to any tea class there if you are a tea lover like myself!

    Have always loved The London Tea Room- no surprise that my first time attending a class there was awesome! Would recommend going to any tea class there if you are a tea lover like myself!

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    Roni S.
    Reviewed on 05/10/17

    Perfect setting. The class was perfect. Jackie is quite knowledgeable about teas and shared so much with the class.

    I learned a lot and met great people.

    Perfect setting. The class was perfect. Jackie is quite knowledgeable about teas and shared so much with the class.

    I learned a lot and met great people.

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    Katherine G.
    Reviewed on 08/08/16

    Loved the class! Nice presentation on the health benefits of tea. Fun to taste some of the different types of tea as well. Now I have lots more reasons to keep drinking multiple glasses of tea per day, as if I needed any!

    Loved the class! Nice presentation on the health benefits of tea. Fun to taste some of the different types of tea as well. Now I have lots more reasons to keep drinking multiple glasses of tea per day, as if I needed any!

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    Lauren D.
    Reviewed on 04/06/15

    Jackie was a great teacher and her passion and knowledge of tea really showed in her class. I'm looking forward to taking more of her classes and strongly recommend them to other Dabblers!

    Jackie was a great teacher and her passion and knowledge of tea really showed in her class. I'm looking forward to taking more of her classes and strongly recommend them to other Dabblers!

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    Rob L.
    Reviewed on 03/30/15

    I'm looking forward to learning more about tea and visiting the London Tea Room soon!

    I'm looking forward to learning more about tea and visiting the London Tea Room soon!

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    Kerri K.
    Reviewed on 04/28/18

    The tea was delicious, of course, but there was a lot of copied and pasted text regarding medical studies in the presentation. It just wasn't as engaging as the classes normally are. Otherwise I love the Tea Room's classes.

    The tea was delicious, of course, but there was a lot of copied and pasted text regarding medical studies in the presentation. It just wasn't as engaging as the classes normally are. Otherwise I love the Tea Room's classes.

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{"commenter_avatar":"/assets/fallback/default_user_photo-7844ce7f6060bc35d96b520c91dde332223314399368a367699ab784f5d8e1fa.png","reviewer_name":"Nicole G.","created_at":"over 7 years","title_link":"\u003cstrong\u003eDrink to Your Health\u003c/strong\u003e","positive":true,"review_content":"What a great class! I learned about the health benefits from drinking various teas. As a tea beginner, I enjoyed tasting six different flavors. I was surprised to like them all! In addition to being very knowledgeable about teas, Jackie James is a delight to listen to! I highly recommend this class \u0026 will be taking her other classes too.","teacher_response":null}
{"commenter_avatar":"https://dabbledoneright-production.s3.amazonaws.com/production/uploads/user/photo/475088/thumb_bw800.png","reviewer_name":"Khrys V.","created_at":"almost 8 years","title_link":"\u003cstrong\u003eDrink to Your Health\u003c/strong\u003e","positive":true,"review_content":"Visiting London Tea Room is always a joy. Their classes, an added value. Much information was shared and we were able to taste the teas we learned about. ","teacher_response":null}
{"commenter_avatar":"/assets/fallback/default_user_photo-7844ce7f6060bc35d96b520c91dde332223314399368a367699ab784f5d8e1fa.png","reviewer_name":"Casey G.","created_at":"almost 8 years","title_link":"\u003cstrong\u003eDrink to Your Health\u003c/strong\u003e","positive":true,"review_content":"Jackie is always so insightful and has so much knowledge and info to divulge to her classes. Learning how tea can affect health and the benefits it provides is something a lot of people don't know about, and she beautifully explained (as much as possible as she could in an hour and fifteen minutes) all of this to us.","teacher_response":null}
{"commenter_avatar":"/assets/fallback/default_user_photo-7844ce7f6060bc35d96b520c91dde332223314399368a367699ab784f5d8e1fa.png","reviewer_name":"Katie O.","created_at":"almost 8 years","title_link":"\u003cstrong\u003eDrink to Your Health\u003c/strong\u003e","positive":true,"review_content":"Have always loved The London Tea Room- no surprise that my first time attending a class there was awesome! Would recommend going to any tea class there if you are a tea lover like myself!","teacher_response":null}
{"commenter_avatar":"/assets/fallback/default_user_photo-7844ce7f6060bc35d96b520c91dde332223314399368a367699ab784f5d8e1fa.png","reviewer_name":"Roni S.","created_at":"almost 8 years","title_link":"\u003cstrong\u003eDrink to Your Health\u003c/strong\u003e","positive":true,"review_content":"Perfect setting. The class was perfect. Jackie is quite knowledgeable about teas and shared so much with the class. \r\n\r\nI learned a lot and met great people. ","teacher_response":null}
{"commenter_avatar":"/assets/fallback/default_user_photo-7844ce7f6060bc35d96b520c91dde332223314399368a367699ab784f5d8e1fa.png","reviewer_name":"Katherine G.","created_at":"over 8 years","title_link":"\u003cstrong\u003eDrink to Your Health\u003c/strong\u003e","positive":true,"review_content":"Loved the class! Nice presentation on the health benefits of tea. Fun to taste some of the different types of tea as well. Now I have lots more reasons to keep drinking multiple glasses of tea per day, as if I needed any!","teacher_response":null}
{"commenter_avatar":"https://dabbledoneright-production.s3.amazonaws.com/production/uploads/user/photo/389021/thumb_IMG_0833.JPG","reviewer_name":"Lauren D.","created_at":"almost 10 years","title_link":"\u003cstrong\u003eDrink to Your Health\u003c/strong\u003e","positive":true,"review_content":"Jackie was a great teacher and her passion and knowledge of tea really showed in her class. I'm looking forward to taking more of her classes and strongly recommend them to other Dabblers! ","teacher_response":null}
{"commenter_avatar":"/assets/fallback/default_user_photo-7844ce7f6060bc35d96b520c91dde332223314399368a367699ab784f5d8e1fa.png","reviewer_name":"Rob L.","created_at":"almost 10 years","title_link":"\u003cstrong\u003eDrink to Your Health\u003c/strong\u003e","positive":true,"review_content":"I'm looking forward to learning more about tea and visiting the London Tea Room soon!","teacher_response":null}
{"commenter_avatar":"/assets/fallback/default_user_photo-7844ce7f6060bc35d96b520c91dde332223314399368a367699ab784f5d8e1fa.png","reviewer_name":"Kerri K.","created_at":"almost 7 years","title_link":"\u003cstrong\u003eDrink to Your Health\u003c/strong\u003e","positive":null,"review_content":"The tea was delicious, of course, but there was a lot of copied and pasted text regarding medical studies in the presentation. It just wasn't as engaging as the classes normally are. Otherwise I love the Tea Room's classes. ","teacher_response":null}

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