Tapestry Basics III
Arts & DIY
Now that you have completed Tapestry Basics I & II, you are ready to break all of the rules of a grid weave structure. This is when the party really starts rolling :O) This class will focus on knotting techniques, pile weave, and eccentric weft techniques (that means NOT weaving in a straight line!)
Again, all are welcome - 12 and older. And you will bring your loom warped and ready to go. Details for the warping will be provided upon registration.
My classes are held at the best little coffee shop in Aurora. But remember, if you are taking an evening class, the coffee bar will be closed.
Warped loom - details provided once you have registered & loads of excitement!
All ages welcome
Weft yarns and handouts will be provided.
Cancellation Policy
Sandra graduated from Colorado State University with a Masters degree in fine art with an emphasis in fibers. She currently enjoys teaching in the art department at the Community College of Aurora. She loves working in her studio combining various techniques just as much as she loves teaching. There are few things better than completing a work of art, or watching a student embrace a new concept or technique