Rooftop Gardening for Beginners
Fitness & Wellness
If you've always wondered if you could grow up there, you can! Our rooftop garden is five years old and we grow all kinds of fruits and vegetables, including grapes and kiwi. We'll talk about the process we went through to create our green roof garden, including design, structural reinforcements, building materials and growing media.
The rooftop micro-climate is also unique - usually hotter, windier and drier than gardens on the ground. With that in mind, we'll discuss plant selection, tried-and-true planting techniques, fertilizer considerations and developing a watering schedule.
All ages welcome
Cancellation Policy
Breanne is a certified horticulturalist and teaches at an urban farm.She also designed and built a rooftop farm in the city nearly five years ago, where she grows all kinds of fruits and vegetables and tries not to let anything go to waste by preserving everything. For the past six years, Breanne has taught adult and youth classes in organic agriculture, cider-brewing, composting, canning, grafting fruit trees, fermenting and urban foraging.