Efficient Strength Training for Women

Event Category

Fitness & Wellness

Event Overview

Take a look at most of the fitness magazines for women. You will notice that when it comes to strength training, the general recommendations are to do several sets per body part...and to do the sets with lighter weights and higher reps to develop more tone and definition...and not get bulky. Since there are many sets to do, you would have to split your routine up. For example, legs and back would be done one day, and maybe chest, shoulders, and arms the next day. These routines are usually done four or five times a week, and every workout lasts anywhere from sixty to ninety minutes. That is a lot of time devoted to exercise. It certainly begs the question: Am I making the best use of my time?

Many women are lead to believe by these magazines and fitness professionals that they need to spend that much time lifting weights to see remarkable changes in their physique. 

The truth is that you can get the same, if not better, benefit from doing just one set. In doing so, you can cut your time spent in the gym to two, thirty-minute workouts a week. But...you have to know how the body works.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

What's Provided


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Gregg and Sharon Hoffman are co-owners of Urban Pump Personal Training Studio. They have over 40 years of experience in the fitness industry.
Gregg Hoffman has written two books on the subject of health and fitness, and he created the Hystrength (sm) exercise program.


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    Chanel J.
    Reviewed on 01/19/19

    Great introductory crash course in the basics of exercise and what can be truly effective. Helped to motivate me as well as remove some of the insecurity and intimidation I have toward using exercise equipment and gyms.

    Great introductory crash course in the basics of exercise and what can be truly effective. Helped to motivate me as well as remove some of the insecurity and intimidation I have toward using exercise equipment and gyms.

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