Strength Training for Boomers

Event Category

Fitness & Wellness

Event Overview

Strength Training for Boomers 

It is well known that we lose muscle as age. Researchers estimate that age-related muscle loss is around 3 to 5% a year starting around 50 years of age. Think of it this way: at 5% a year, you could lose up to 10 lbs of muscle between 50 to 70 years of age. This is significant for your quality of life. Loss of muscle mass makes it harder to do even basic daily activities like laundry, going up and down the stairs and gardening, much less more vigorous activities like hiking or paddle-boarding. I believe the loss of muscle start even earlier than that, even with people who are active but do not do a consistent strength training program.

I believe this: if there is one form of exercise that can bring about “the fountain of youth”, strength training is it.

The good news is that you can regain muscle...a lot of it. Even better news is that you do not need to spend a lot of time in the gym. Two half hour workouts a week is all you need. You just need to know how to do it efficiently. That is what this class is about. 

You will Learn:

  • The difference between fast twitch and slow twitch fibers

  • The all or none principle

  • Proper inroading for maximum benefit

  • Mastery of the repetition

  • Proper form on basic exercises

  • How to design your own workouts

  • And answers to all your questions

We will do the lecture and the exercise demonstrations in the gym. Wear comfortable workout clothes.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

What's Provided

Pamphlets about proper form on basic exercises

Cancellation Policy

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Gregg and Sharon Hoffman are co-owners of Urban Pump Personal Training Studio. They have over 40 years of experience in the fitness industry.
Gregg Hoffman has written two books on the subject of health and fitness, and he created the Hystrength (sm) exercise program.

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