Bake Along with Chopped Champion

with Dabble

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5.0 | 2 reviews

151 Have Dabbled

Event Category

Food & Drink

Event Overview

Time Zone of Scheduled Event: Pacific Standard Time. Convert here.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of these experiences are scheduled during the work day and some on weekends. You can select the date/time that works for you from the dropdown schedule. All listed times during the work week have been approved to be enjoyed by the T-Mobile Technology Team. However, if you want to learn and create on your own time, simply select the first available date and a recording of the first date of the experience will be available and sent to all registered guests within 24 hours of the event. This way you can learn with your co-workers, family, or friends when the time works best for you once your class kit or gift have arrived.

Join 2X Chopped Champion Mel Asseraf, for a 1-hour LIVE virtual group bake-along experience led by Chef Mel so you know you’re in for a treat.

With top notch quality pre-measured ingredients, spatulas, step-by-step recipes, and the option to learn on your own time with a pre-recorded baking video tutorial you are sure to bake like a pro at your next party. Chef Mel is reinventing baking for today’s modern baker. Baking that fits your lifestyle not the other way around. Fun, delicious, and hassle-free!

More about Chef Mel, also known as your butter half! She's a french trained pastry chef, previous Parisian bakery owner, 2X Chopped Champion on Food Network and CEO of Bake it with Mel. Here to teach you how to bake like a pro with industry secrets, pre measured baking kits, and daily TikTok hacks.
Sharing the new way to bake and create delicious memories.

Minimum age

All ages welcome


Update for Anyone Expecting a Different Kit: We apologize for any confusion around the bake along but we failed to confirm what you would be baking and had shared several images of baking mixes. As a result, anyone expecting the mix for the cake with candies in the middle we do apologize. That image was just the first image we had shared on the listing and is just one of the many baking kits that Chef Mel offers. We left it to Chef Mel to select an experience that would work best for a virtual workshop in the time allotted and she selected the Cosmic Brownie workshop and baking mix. Thanks for your flexibility and understanding!

Cancellation Policy


There are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this Dabble. Log in to an account message the host or add to your bucket list to be automatically notified when new dates are posted.


Mel Asseraf

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Combining her knowledge for French pastry technique, the perfect ingredients, a little touch of the USA classics, Chef Mel brings happiness to people no matter what's going on in their lives. With over 15+ years experience and 2X Chopped Champion Winner, Mel believes that baking should be an interactive experience for all to the enjoy. Enter Bake It With Mel: The all inclusive baking kit that makes even the most inexperience baker a pro.


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