Uncover Pompeii with an Archeologist

with Dabble

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5.0 | 3 reviews

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Event Category

Arts & DIY

Event Overview

Time Zone of Scheduled Event: Pacific Standard Time. Convert here.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of these experiences are scheduled during the work day and some on weekends. You can select the date/time that works for you from the dropdown schedule. All listed times during the work week have been approved to be enjoyed by the T-Mobile Technology Team. However, if you want to learn and create on your own time, simply select the first available date and a recording of the first date of the experience will be available and sent to all registered guests within 24 hours of the event. This way you can learn with your co-workers, family, or friends when the time works best for you once your class kit or gift have arrived.

The Top-Rated "History & Culture" Online experience is an appetizer of Pompeii. Together, we will "escape" from our homes and move back into Roman times!

I'll tell you the history of the city, from the beginning to the eruption, and then to the discovery. You'll get an introduction to the daily life of 2,000 years ago, discovering the private and public buildings that characterize the ancient city.

During our virtual trip, we will visit some of the main attractions such as the Amphitheater (Roman gladiator stadium), the Thermopolium (Roman snack bar) and the Forum (main square). I'll also share the techniques that archeologists use to create the plaster casts of the victims of the eruption of Vesuvius.

Looking at maps, videos and photos, you will have a taste of the Roman times that'll give you an idea for a future offline visit. Of course, I'll be happy to answer all of your questions, too!

Accompanying Gift: You'll receive a Pompeii-themed or related gift selected by your hosts to augment your virtual concert.

About Your Host: Welcome! My name is Roberto. I am an archeologist and an authorized guide of the Campania Region. My experience is featured on Vogue, Travel+ Leisure, Vanity Fair, BuzzFeed and more! I guide people to discover the ancient history and beauty of Pompeii, the famous site buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy


There are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this Dabble. Log in to an account message the host or add to your bucket list to be automatically notified when new dates are posted.



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Welcome! My name is Roberto. I am an archeologist and an authorized guide of the Campania Region. My experience is featured on Vogue, Travel+ Leisure, Vanity Fair, BuzzFeed and more! I guide people to discover the ancient history and beauty of Pompeii, the famous site buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD.


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    Sandra S.
    Reviewed on 04/11/22

    This tour was Awesome! Roberto was so knowledgeable and gave great information about the life of the Gladiators and citizens of Pompeii. I rally enjoyed the material and the use of Google Earth to walk the streets. Even though I was not there in person, you could really get a feel for what it looked like in the city. Absolutely one on the bucket list to visit one day!

    This tour was Awesome! Roberto was so knowledgeable and gave great information about the life of the Gladiators and citizens of Pompeii. I rally enjoyed the material and the use of Google Earth to walk the streets. Even though I was not there in person, you could really get a feel for what it looked like in the city. Absolutely one on the bucket list to visit one day!

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    Steve R.
    Reviewed on 03/25/22

    Nice way to see a place I will probably never get to, thanks for sharing this with us

    Nice way to see a place I will probably never get to, thanks for sharing this with us

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    Susan H.
    Reviewed on 03/25/22

    There was a glitch with the start time due to Dabble not accounting for the lack of daylight savings time in Italy. That was frustrating as I had rearranged my work schedule for to accommodate the original start time. The Italian host, Roberto Musio, did a good job with the presentation and it was nice that he stopped at times so people could ask questions. He was friendly and knowledgeable. The subject matter was absolutely fascinating and the content was very good.

    There was a glitch with the start time due to Dabble not accounting for the lack of daylight savings time in Italy. That was frustrating as I had rearranged my work schedule for to accommodate the original start time. The Italian host, Roberto Musio, did a good job with the presentation and it was nice that he stopped at times so people could ask questions. He was friendly and knowledgeable. The subject matter was absolutely fascinating and the content was very good.

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