Discover the Terracotta Warriors

with Dabble

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Event Category

Arts & DIY

Event Overview

Time Zone of Scheduled Event: Pacific Standard Time. Convert here.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of these experiences are scheduled during the work day and some on weekends. You can select the date/time that works for you from the dropdown schedule. All listed times during the work week have been approved to be enjoyed by the T-Mobile Technology Team. However, if you want to learn and create on your own time, simply select the first available date and a recording of the first date of the experience will be available and sent to all registered guests within 24 hours of the event. This way you can learn with your co-workers, family, or friends when the time works best for you once your class kit or gift have arrived.

This online tour is an appetizer for one of the 8 wonders of the World. In this experience to explore the famous terracotta army, we will "escape" from the lockdown and move back 2,200 years ago !

I'll tell you the history around the Terracotta Army, the Emperor who built up this incredible project, and its' dramatic discovery.You'll get an introduction to the historical background when the immortal Terracotta Army were built at the first place, and the philosophy for building an army to protect the afterlife of Emperor Qin-The first Emperor who united all different parts of nowadays China.

During our virtual trip, we will visit all the 3 pits excavated, in which different formations of terracotta army were discovered. I'll also share the techniques that archeologists used to repair and conserve the terracotta army figures

Looking at maps, videos and photos, you will have a taste of the an ancient dynasty of China and the mighty ambition of Emperor Qin.Of course, I'll be happy to answer all of your questions, too!

Accompanying Gift: You'll receive a terracotta warrior themed gift selected by your hosts to augment your virtual concert.

About Your Host: Welcome! My name is Bill. I am an authorized tour guide from China. I guide people to discover the ancient history and beauty of Terracotta Army, the famous site buried from 210 BC. With the current world-wide situation I'm ready for a new challenge to share my knowledge to everyone on this special online tour.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy


There are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this Dabble. Log in to an account message the host or add to your bucket list to be automatically notified when new dates are posted.



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Welcome! My name is Bill. I am an authorized tour guide from China. I guide people to discover the ancient history and beauty of Terracotta Army, the famous site buried from 210BC. With the current world-wide situation I'm ready for a new challenge to share my knowledge to everyone on this special online tour.

54 Have Dabbled

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