Urban Sketching Experience

with Dabble

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5.0 | 4 reviews

129 Have Dabbled

Event Category

Arts & DIY

Event Overview

Time Zone of Scheduled Event: Pacific Standard Time. Convert here.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of these experiences are scheduled during the work day and some on weekends. You can select the date/time that works for you from the dropdown schedule. All listed times during the work week have been approved to be enjoyed by the T-Mobile Technology Team. However, if you want to learn and create on your own time, simply select the first available date and a recording of the first date of the experience will be available and sent to all registered guests within 24 hours of the event. This way you can learn with your co-workers, family, or friends when the time works best for you once your class kit or gift have arrived.

The art of urban sketching is all about embracing the imperfections. Capturing what you see on paper is like a long shutter on a camera. You are quickly recording shapes, textures and movement. You will find yourself steering away from the need for perfection, and instead introducing energy into your illustrations.

All supplies are professional grade and will be yours to keep.

About Your Instructor: Peggy is native to the Pacific Northwest and is a nationally recognized freelance artist, with worldwide publications as a platform artist. Her lettering and illustrative designs have been recognized all around the world, with a focus on modern calligraphy and line drawing, though her skills range vastly in the world of creativity. She is the best selling author of The Ultimate Brush Lettering Guide and Botanical Line Drawing.

Peggy is an award-winning online instructor with a range of classes on Skillshare. She also hosts an informational blog (welcome!) and maintains a popular instructional social media platform to inspire people to create. Peggy embraces natural elements in her everyday life, and it shows in her everyday work, surrounding herself in greenery and botanicals. She is predominantly self-taught, which she proudly uses to assist others. She lives and works in Portland, Oregon.

Minimum age

All ages welcome


All experiences booked by January 3, 2021 for events that have met the set minimum are confirmed and non-transferable.

What's Provided

All materials are professional-grade and yours to keep.

Cancellation Policy


There are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this Dabble. Log in to an account message the host or add to your bucket list to be automatically notified when new dates are posted.


The Pigeon Letters

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Peggy is native to the Pacific Northwest and is a nationally recognized freelance artist, with worldwide publications as a platform artist. Her lettering and illustrative designs have been recognized all around the world, with a focus on modern calligraphy and line drawing, though her skills range vastly in the world of creativity. She is the best selling author of The Ultimate Brush Lettering Guide and Botanical Line Drawing. Peggy is an award-winning online instructor with a range of classes on Skillshare. She also hosts an informational blog (welcome!) and maintains a popular instructional social media platform to inspire people to create. Peggy embraces natural elements in her everyday life, and it shows in her everyday work, surrounding herself in greenery and botanicals. She is predominantly self-taught, which she proudly uses to assist others. She lives and works in Portland, Oregon.


  • Thumb devon biere profile pic 2019 11 08
    Devon B.
    Reviewed on 03/14/22

    This was a great experience. Peggy was a terrific instructor and she packed a lot of fun and enthusiasm into a 1 hour class. Sketching quickly and working with watercolors are out of my (admittedly limited) artistic comfort zone, but this class really piqued my interest in "embracing the imperfections" and trying new things. Highly recommended!

    This was a great experience. Peggy was a terrific instructor and she packed a lot of fun and enthusiasm into a 1 hour class. Sketching quickly and working with watercolors are out of my (admittedly limited) artistic comfort zone, but this class really piqued my interest in "embracing the imperfections" and trying new things. Highly recommended!

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    Stefanie C.
    Reviewed on 03/14/22

    It was very informative and the supplies were excellent, but the title is misleading. I was expecting something like the urban scene that was depicted in the class description. Instead, we sketched a rural landscape with a church, lawn, and tress. It was very informative and I learned a lot, but I really wanted a more urban scene with more buildings and things that one encounters in a more urban setting. IMO, Dabbl should rename this course.

    It was very informative and the supplies were excellent, but the title is misleading. I was expecting something like the urban scene that was depicted in the class description. Instead, we sketched a rural landscape with a church, lawn, and tress. It was very informative and I learned a lot, but I really wanted a more urban scene with more buildings and things that one encounters in a more urban setting. IMO, Dabbl should rename this course.

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    Muhammad S.
    Reviewed on 03/12/22

    This was a very cool experience. Kids joined in and it turned out to be a really nice family event. Plus, we learnt quite a bit, so that was great as well.

    This was a very cool experience. Kids joined in and it turned out to be a really nice family event. Plus, we learnt quite a bit, so that was great as well.

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    Elise B.
    Reviewed on 03/12/22

    This was so much fun! I appreciated how much she emphasized how it’s okay to make mistakes because that’s what’s held me up in the past. Experimenting with watercolor was really fun too! I highly recommend!

    This was so much fun! I appreciated how much she emphasized how it’s okay to make mistakes because that’s what’s held me up in the past. Experimenting with watercolor was really fun too! I highly recommend!

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