DIY Terrarium Workshop

with Dabble

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5.0 | 6 reviews

345 Have Dabbled

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Event Category

Arts & DIY

Event Overview

Time Zone of Scheduled Event: Pacific Standard Time. Convert here.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of these experiences are scheduled during the work day and some on weekends. You can select the date/time that works for you from the dropdown schedule. All listed times during the work week have been approved to be enjoyed by the T-Mobile Technology Team. However, if you want to learn and create on your own time, simply select the first available date and a recording of the first date of the experience will be available and sent to all registered guests within 24 hours of the event. This way you can learn with your co-workers, family, or friends when the time works best for you once your class kit or gift have arrived.

Not enough room or time for a full-sized garden? No problem, we’ve got you covered! Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned gardener, hop on the terrarium train by crafting your own miniature, magical world of plants! In this class, we'll provide you everything you need to get started and you'll learn everything from creating an environment for your plants to thrive in, and how to propagate and grow new plants for future terrariums!

We’ll provide everything you need, including a vessel, soil, a variety of plants, and even some flair - all while sharing our best tips for keeping your new project alive and thriving. You’ll leave with your own masterpiece to take home, and the ability to curate and care for your new mini world!

About Your Instructor: From cooking to gardening to creative crafts, you’re guaranteed to find something to feed your passions with The Works Seattle. Their classes are intimate so you’ll be sure to get lots of hands-on time, answers to all of your questions, and a chance to meet other students. You’re guaranteed to head home with skills you can immediately apply to level up your life.

Minimum age

All ages welcome


All experiences booked by January 3, 2021 for events that have met the set minimum are confirmed and non-transferable.

Cancellation Policy


There are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this Dabble. Log in to an account message the host or add to your bucket list to be automatically notified when new dates are posted.


The Works Seattle

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From cooking to gardening to creative crafts, you’re guaranteed to find something to feed your passions with The Works Seattle. Their classes are intimate so you’ll be sure to get lots of hands-on time, answers to all of your questions, and a chance to meet other students. You’re guaranteed to head home with skills you can immediately apply to level up your life.


  • Default user photo
    Kirk C.
    Reviewed on 03/15/22

    Wonderful workshop!
    Fun, very positive, upbeat and informational.

    Wonderful workshop!
    Fun, very positive, upbeat and informational.

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    Tina C.
    Reviewed on 03/14/22

    This was a fun experience! The package with all the materials arrived about a week before the class and everything was packaged so delicately and clearly labeled; it was very high quality. The process was explained clearly and the step by step instructions were clear and easy to understand. Everyone was very interactive and it was great to see everyones creations. The teacher answered all questions with ease, and others that he maybe wasn't sure of he took notes to follow up and find out. Great experience!

    This was a fun experience! The package with all the materials arrived about a week before the class and everything was packaged so delicately and clearly labeled; it was very high quality. The process was explained clearly and the step by step instructions were clear and easy to understand. Everyone was very interactive and it was great to see everyones creations. The teacher answered all questions with ease, and others that he maybe wasn't sure of he took notes to follow up and find out. Great experience!

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    Duan D.
    Reviewed on 03/11/22

    Really enjoyable time spent learning how to create your own little terrarium. I like that the kit arrived a couple weeks prior to the class I should have looked more closely as I didn't realize the succulent were wrapped up in there. Other than my own faux pas, everything else went together nicely.

    Really enjoyable time spent learning how to create your own little terrarium. I like that the kit arrived a couple weeks prior to the class I should have looked more closely as I didn't realize the succulent were wrapped up in there. Other than my own faux pas, everything else went together nicely.

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    Jeanne S.
    Reviewed on 02/18/22

    I had a great time putting together my first succulent terrarium. There was plenty of material to use. The instructor answered all our questions and provided some very helpful tips and tricks on how to keep our plants alive.

    I had a great time putting together my first succulent terrarium. There was plenty of material to use. The instructor answered all our questions and provided some very helpful tips and tricks on how to keep our plants alive.

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    Jeanne S.
    Reviewed on 02/18/22

    I had a great time putting together my first succulent terrarium. There was plenty of material to use. The instructor answered all our questions and provided some very helpful tips and tricks on how to keep our plants alive.

    I had a great time putting together my first succulent terrarium. There was plenty of material to use. The instructor answered all our questions and provided some very helpful tips and tricks on how to keep our plants alive.

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