Lifestyle Audit & Redesign: Simple, Impactful Ways to Make Adulting Easier
Fitness & Wellness
Virtual offering.
If you’ve ever felt “There has to be a better way” or like a hamster in a hamster wheel, this workshop is for you.
Saya shares big-picture philosophies as well as specific tools and tips to manage life — time management, goal setting and attainment, productivity, organization, (wave of hand)… From email and To Do Lists to shopping and death, Saya makes life’s mundane yet necessary tasks easier and more enjoyable.
You’ll learn —
This gift to yourself is space to learn, reflect, tweak, and implement. Cause sometimes it’s good to burn it all down and rebuild, stealing (with consent) from the Queen of Rebuilding…
The goal: more of what you want; less of what you don’t.
Saya’s first conversation with her now husband was about their love of spreadsheets. A Huffington Post article called her “Chicago’s productivity-guru” and she was included in the Gmail Genius series. She's run a successful business since 2004 and has crafted a blissful life that perfectly fits her.
Something to write on and with. A device with Zoom downloaded on it and the ability to connect to the internet.
All ages welcome
Cancellation Policy$53 per Ticket
BUY TICKETS* Registration closes 4 hours before event
You know that uncertain time between childhood and death? Adulthood? It can be so much more than bills, dry cleaning, and meetings. Mac & Cheese Productions℠ is a lifestyle business that models and offers positive adulting and increases life fulfillment and ease through building connection: to others, to opportunities, and to self. Via services, tools, and experiences, Mac & Cheese inspires groups and individuals to take charge of their lives and to learn, grow, and become even more delicious versions of themselves. Its foundation is its Life of Yes℠ mentality — the gist? More yay, less ick. Saya Hillman is the head Cheese-It. Check for most uptodate offerings.