Walking Meditation
Fitness & Wellness
Want to meditate? Have trouble sitting still?
Walking meditation is an excellent technique for quieting your mind, cultivating peace, and clarifying your intention.
This class is for meditators with all levels of experience (even complete beginners!) and will include instruction, practice, and discussion. We will also explore the techniques of deep looking and body scanning.
The Lincoln Park Conservatory provides a gorgeous setting full of life where we can connect with nature and soak in some therapeutic green! We will gather at the park benches by the front entrance.
All ages welcome
Cancellation Policy
Andrea Klunder is a true entrepreneurial yogi. She has been a hatha yoga & meditation teacher for 7 years, a Thai Bodywork practitioner for 6 years, a yoga studio owner for 5 years, a holistic lifestyle consultant with Arbonne International for 4 years, and the director of a yoga for women’s health program at a major medical facility for 2 years.
Andrea is the founder and organizer of two successful Meetup groups: Kirtan Chicago, a social & professional group for all things kirtan & chanting in and around Chicago, and the Chicago Women's Creative Collective, which hosts monthly Creativity Salons at Infuse Yoga Spa in Lincoln Park where members share their work in progress and receive support, feedback and inspiration.
Most recently, Andrea is the co-founder of Mindful-U, dedicated to helping you increase your happiness quotient and cultivate sustainable joy through mindfulness practices, lifestyle coaching, and personal empowerment. Mindful-U offers workshops, e-courses, private training and retreats.
In her moments of “spare” time, Andrea writes a lifestyle blog at InfuseLife.net, guest blogs for The Women’s Health Foundation and Touching Earth student blog. And most importantly, she loves chanting kirtan as much as humanly possible.